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Divi Plus Catering Services

Perfect Solution for Restaurants and Catering Companies Websites.

06 Page Layouts

Multiple Pages For Different Needs

Divi Plus catering is the modern and stylish child theme that infuses trust in the clients’ minds. It contains 5 well organized templates that elegantly represent your business on a WordPress website. It includes areas to show about your organization, services, pricing package, customer’s good words, team behind your success beautifully. To make an impression on your audience your can opt this.

14 Divi Plus Modules

Divi Plus Modules in Use

Divi Catering Service child theme designed using the 14 Divi Plus modules. Use of interactive image card, floating image, team grid and other stunning modules adds the attractive effects on the page and keeps the user engaging with the module’s cool animation.

Fancy Heading

Advanced Button


Floating Image

Price List

Testimonial Slider


Image Card

Image Card Slider

Masonry Gallery


Team Slider

Blog Slider

Modal Popup

Accent color of theme

Colors and Fonts

All the 6 layouts are using cool color combination and perfectly tuned to every design element. With a fusion of red and white fonts and bright colors, the layout gives a great sense of authenticity.

Be Vietnam

Main Heading

Open Sans

Body Text

Londrina Outline


Your liability


All the images are CC0 and entirely free to use for any legitimate goal, you get all the access to alter, copy and share the images all without risking anything for approval.
Divi and Divi Plus Do All Magic


Divi Plus Catering Service Child Theme is smooth and extremely customizable. Divi Plus and Divi is the basic requirement for using this template. It has been designed exclusively for wedding services, event managers, and businesses similar to this.