Divi Blog Timeline Module
The Divi Blog Timeline module available with Divi Plus allows you to display blog posts vertically in an interactive timeline. Plus, improve Divi blog post timeline’s look and feel with multiple beautiful layouts using the ease of Divi builder. Divi showing posts vertically engages readers better and improves users interaction — thus improving user sessions and post-opening rate.
Two layouts with multiple variations
Add Stylish, Attractive and Interactive Blog Post Timelines Vertically!
- On scroll stem and icon color and background effect.
- Control post meta and featured image display.
- Choose number of posts to display.
- Show/Hide read more button.
- Custom query builder.

Dental Implant Recovery Process Facts.
Vivamus feugiat ultrices neque, ut pellentesque tortor semper non. Praesent fringilla tristique velit, sit amet ultricies arcu ornare sed. Donec turpis metus, facilisis at eros vel, tincidunt...
Good Choices For Your Oral Health
Etiam mollis mollis nunc a sodales. Etiam accumsan eros lectus, ut pretium libero pharetra in. Pellentesque consequat, felis ac fringilla rhoncus, augue massa venenatis augue, sed maximus ipsum...
Pediatric Dentistry – Facts To Consider
Nulla facilisi. Sed at vestibulum risus. Fusce et felis eu mauris tincidunt maximus. Nulla ultrices elit sapien, sed congue ligula molestie eu. Fusce semper in risus ut auctor. Proin laoreet...
Ways Your Dental Health Affects You
In dignissim purus felis, a imperdiet quam iaculis sed. Donec bibendum quis sem vel vestibulum. Phasellus lacus diam, viverra a porttitor ut, dignissim vel libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in...
Create a Story Around Vertical Post Timelines
Display featured images, meta description; choose different icons for scroll stem, give appealing color to the progress bar and customize everything to let users know what your blog post stands for with an exciting and interactive Divi blog post timeline.