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Free Divi Plus Plant Store Child Theme

A Free Divi Plus Child Theme for Nurseries and Plant Shops

05 Page Layouts

Intuitively Designed Pages for a Plant Store

Divi Plus Plant Store child theme comes with 7 pages that include a welcoming ‘Home page’, an ‘About Us’ page to describe about you and your plant business, WooCommerce-based ‘Shop’, ‘Cart’, and ‘Checkout’ pages to simplify the ordering process from your online store. It also has a ‘Blog’, and a ‘Contact Us’ page to build a community and get more connections for your Plant-Business.

12 Divi Plus Modules

Divi Plus Modules in Use

Divi Plus Plant Store is built with the help of 13 feature-rich Divi Plus modules. Among them, there are text, images, Blog, and product-related modules that offer the right display of content with lots of design customization possibilities. We have also used the DP FAQPage Schema module for the FAQs which will improve the SEO of your website.

Fancy Heading

Advanced Button

Testimonial Slider

Blog Slider

Text Animator

Floating Image

Tilt Image

Products Carousel
For Woo

Image Hotspot

FAQPage Schema

Accent color of theme

Colors and Fonts

Divi Plus Plant Store is crafted with colors that beautifully enhance the green theme of the website. The refreshing Summer Forest Green (#228b22) is used in buttons and headings to make key elements stand out, and the soft Polar Bear White (#ebe9df) background provides the perfect contrast, ensuring clear visibility for your content.



Josefin Sans

Main Heading


Body Text

Your liability


All the images are CC0 and entirely free to use for any legitimate goal, you get all the access to alter, copy and share the images all without risking anything for approval.
Divi and Divi Plus Do All Magic


Divi theme, Divi Plus plugin, and the WooCommerce plugin are the minimum requirements to use this child theme on your website. This Divi child theme is completely customizable and is designed to give your users the best online plant store experience.